Warren County Genealogical Society

 2014 - 2015 Officers
President: Barry Keller (726-0305)
Vice President: Olin Neal (489-3597)
Secretary: Cathy Swanson (726-9817)
Treasurer: Edward Ball (723-8026)
Historian: Kay McKinney (563-9904)

Genealogical Surname Listing

Meetings are usually held at the First Lutheran Church at 7:00 p.m. and include time for sharing success stories and asking for assistance from the group. The Society welcomes anyone interested in family history and research. Annual dues are $5.00 for individuals, $7.00 for families.

2014-2015 Programs October 27, 2014.
“Show and Tell Night.” This is a time to bring a family artifact or a special story to share with the group.
November 24, 2014. “Oral History Interviewing.” We will welcome Fannie Donovan, WWII Army Nurse and retired community volunteer, who will discuss her early years and relate her experiences in the armed services and her work with the Red Cross and Warren General Hospital.
January 26, 2015. We will gather at 5:15 for a Midwinter Tureen Dinner. (Consider bringing an “old family recipe” to share) We also plan some time for our Cemetery Project database merging and proofing.
February 23, 2015. Members and guests are invited to give a brief presentation about an “Interesting Immigrant Family Member” (their origin, destination, motivation, assimilation, stories, etc).
March 23, 2015. A Field Trip to Fenton Historical Society’s Library in their new quarters.
April 27, 2015. Ed Ball will present PBS’s “A Cemetery Special.”
May 18, 2015. A Visit to the Wilder Museum.
June 22, (rain date) June 29, 2015. Our annual picnic and cemetery recording, destinations to be announced later.